acne free skin
Skincare Acne

Acne-Prone Skin? How to Get Rid of This Problem?

Sometimes, it is difficult to know what your skin needs to keep it as healthy as possible. Every day, we are bombarded by marketing hype for different cosmetic and skincare products, as well as advice from social media influencers and other beauty experts. Have you ever thought about what your skin needs? What are the things that can be helpful for your skin and can give you radiant skin? Caring for your acne-prone skin is more than simply slathering on blemish-busting beauty products. It can involve lifestyle changes also- the first of which is generally a new and improved skincare routine. Here, we are discussing a few important beauty tips for acne-prone skin.

The easiest way to split acne is into non-inflammatory and inflammatory type. Non-inflammatory acne refers to the clogged pores that appear as whiteheads or blackheads. This is the mildest type and is visible. Blackheads have a dark appearance and can appear flat against the skin. Whiteheads are small skin-colored bumps on the skin. Anything with a red or robust appearance is classified as inflammatory acne. This can from pustules and papules to more serious cysts and nodules. Papules are red bumps, whereas pustules are small bumps that include pus. Papules often turn into pustules. Then there is another one which is deeper and painful acne.

These inflamed bumps are generally larger than your usual pimple and feel as if they are below the skin. Acne also depends on the type of your skin. It is common to connect oily skin to acne. After all, excess oil is one of the common reasons behind breakouts. But dry skin types can experience acne for several reasons, whether it is because of various environmental factors or a poor skincare routine that irritates the skin and clogs the skin pores.

Essential Beauty Tips for Acne-Prone Skin

Wash your face twice a day- One of the most important beauty tips for acne-prone skin is to wash your face at least two times a day. If you are prone to breakouts or have oily skin, do not skip washing your face as a part of your evening and morning daily skincare routine. A study was conducted which focused on face washing. In that, participants were asked to wash their face more than one time a day for at least six weeks. At the end of the study, there was a vital improvement in the acne lesions of those who had washed their face two times in a day. The participants who washed their face one time a day had the maximum number of pimples.

how to get acne-free skin

Use the right face wash- Another one in the list of beauty tips and tricks for acne-prone skin is to wash your face with the right facial cleanser. Purchasing a generic face wash will not certainly improve your complexion. While buying an effective skin cleanser, you must pay attention to your skin’s requirements and choose the ingredients accordingly. If your skin tends to be oily, choose items that have salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and benzoyl peroxide.  If you have sensitive skin, look for gentle face cleaners that have lactic acid or hydrating ingredients like for example, glycerin, which will not make your skin dry.

Never over-exfoliate your skin- Scrubbing your face regularly with grainy cleaners and other exfoliating products can do more harm than benefit. When you do this often, it can cause inflammation, redness, and skin irritation. Exfoliating a pimple can pull away healthy skin cells and create an open wound and a high risk of scarring. Skin experts say that exfoliation must be done carefully, and not more than 2 to 3 times a week.

Apply a mild cleanser- As discussed above, cleaning your face is one of the most important beauty tips that one must follow for making the skin acne-free. There are varieties of cleansers available on the market which may confuse you. The aisles available at most of the drugstores are packed with all types of facial cleansers. Trying to figure out which cleaner is perfect for you can be overwhelming. Remember one thing, when it comes to choosing the “best face cleanser”, fancier and costlier may not necessarily be the best.

A study found that there is not much difference in skin breakouts, no matter what kind of face cleanser you use. The studies included everything from anti-bacterial soaps and cleansing bars to cleansers that consists of alpha and beta hydroxy acids. While this may be disheartening if you have purchased an expensive cleanser, the takeaway is that keeping it simple is always the best option. Go for a mild cleanser that does not have a lot of harmful ingredients and fragrances.

acne-free skincare

Do not forget to change your face towel daily- When you read this, many of you might feel it is an impossible task. Using dirty towels can harbor bacteria, germs, and they can even introduce new bacteria to your skin, which may result in pimples. This does not mean that you must reach for a new, clean towel every single time when you wash your face. If you are washing off your entire makeup, you can stick to switching out your face towels on a weekly, rather than a regular basis.

Moisturize your skin properly- One of the most important beauty tips for acne-prone skin that often gets neglected by many is moisturizing your skin properly. Many think that using a moisturizer will worsen your acne. Are you one among them? Then, you need to think again. It can help to improve your skin texture. If your skin feels dry and dehydrated, this means that the oil glands tend to overproduce oil, which can worsen your acne. Hydrating the skin surface can re-balance the oil glands and helps in controlling acne and at the same time improves healing. While buying a skin moisturizer, skin experts suggest choosing a lightweight, oil-based skin product that will not clog your skin pores. Look for a lightweight pH balanced skin moisturizer.

Apply an acne-fighting agent- As per the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), several topical therapies can help in fighting acne. The key to finding the most effective one is knowing what kind of acne you have. Based on the type of acne you have, the AAD suggests the following:

  • Comedonal acne. Look for items that contain retinoids like adapalene gel.
  • Mild acne. Topical Benzoyl Peroxide can help fight acne, either on its own or mixed with a topical retinoid.
  • Inflammatory acne. Topical Dapsone 5 percent gel is suggested, specifically in adult women.

If you want to concurrently target various types of acne, the AAD recommends using the right combination of adapalene gel, tretinoin, and benzoyl peroxide. Using all these treatments together may make your skin dry, so be sure to use a skin moisturizer that will keep your skin hydrated.

While working out, skin makeup- Take an additional 5 minutes before jumping on the treadmill to wash your face and remove your makeup to reduce the risk of acne and breakouts. Sweat is released through the skin pores. When you do not remove the makeup, those skin pores get clogged up, which in turn causes pimples and acne. The trapped bacteria and debris are considered as a perfect base for zits and acne bumps.

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