Skincare Glowing skin

17 Popular Skin Moisturizing Herbs for Treating Dry Skin

People nowadays prefer using herbal and natural methods for having beautiful skin. If you want to moisturize your skin the right way then, you must use some effective natural herbs for this purpose. How you take care of your skin plays an important role. Not following a healthy skincare regime can affect the natural moisture of your skin and ultimately it becomes dry. Many people prefer using the products that are available in the market for moisturizing the skin in the right way. However, these products have too many chemicals in them, therefore one must not use them frequently. It is always better to use natural herbs for your skin. Here are some of the popular skin moisturizing herbs.

Nature has the right solution for every skin-related problem. Natural herbs can make your skin glow. If you have dry skin, then you can make use of some herbs that will moisturize your skin naturally. Let us find out some popular skin moisturizing herbs.

Popular Skin Moisturizing Herbs

Natural herbs for dry skin: Which herbs are best for moisturizing your skin?

  • Aloe Vera
  • Chamomile
  • Peppermint
  • Marigold
  • Neem

Chamomile- It is one of the popular skin moisturizing herbs for your skin. It is a soothing herb that heals the skin, treats skin conditions like rashes, psoriasis, burns, wounds, stings, sores, and bruises, and provides moisture to the roots. You can apply this directly to the skin and can also consume chamomile tea.

Aloe Vera- If you have dry and dull skin and want to get rid of it then, one of the best ways is to apply Aloe Vera gel. In fact, it is one of the popular skin moisturizing herbs that are easily available.

You need to take the extract from Aloe Vera leaves and apply it over your skin directly. It provides instant relief to skin irritations too.  

Neem- Neem is one of the popular skin moisturizing herbs that have been in use for ages to repair the skin. Neem oil is regarded as one of the best skin moisturizers available. It helps in reducing several skin-related problems like a bacterial infections, boils, inflammation, pimples, and many more.

Peppermint- Yes, Peppermint is another one on the list of various popular skin moisturizing herbs. In peppermint, menthol leaves are present which is known for leaving a cooling effect on the skin. Peppermint is known for providing the right nutrition to dull skin and at the same time, it reduces excess oil from oily skin.

popular skin moisturizing herbs.

Horsetail- Horsetail is fully loaded with silica which is great for keeping the skin look beautiful and young. It also consists of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help in delaying the aging process.

Fennel- It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that make it a powerful remedy for various skin issues like pimples and acne. Also, it has anti-aging properties that protect the skin from premature lines and wrinkles.

Calendula-Calendula is one of the most effective herbs used for healing irritated, inflamed, and chapped skin.

Its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties have been used for easing different types of skin problems like dermatitis, rashes, psoriasis, eczema, corns, and stretch marks.

Marigold- It is one of the most effective natural herbs for the skin. It comprises anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties which help in repairing dry skin.

This natural herb is also great for reducing the signs of aging along with many other skin-related problems. It is also great for moisturizing the skin in a perfect way.

Tamarind seed- Obtained from the seeds of tamarind, tamarind seeds are one of the popular skin moisturizing herbs that can help you get rid of dry and flaky skin. Tamarind seeds have hydrating, anti-wrinkle, elasticizing properties that are great for dry skin.

Mowrah Butter- Also known as Madhuca Indica is high in Oleic acid, stearic acid, palmitic acid, and linoleic acid. It is known for combating the degeneration of skin cells, avoid wrinkles, and restore the flexibility of the skin.

It is regenerative and emollient which makes it perfect for preventing all kinds of skin dryness and enhancing skin texture.

Pumpkin seed oil- Known by its scientific name, Cucurbita Pepo is one of the popular skin moisturizing herbs as it consists of essential fatty acids, Vitamin E, zinc, and beta-carotene.

Its oil is conditioning and has been used in soaps, lotions, and massage oils for ages. Pumpkin seed oil helps in retaining moisture to the skin and hydrates dry skin effectively.

Olive Butter- It is a rich emollient that can be used on sensitive and dry skin. It displays excellent spreadability over the skin, making it perfect as a massage butter or a carrier for different skincare products. It is a natural moisturizer that promotes the elasticity of the skin and avoids wrinkles and fine lines.

best popular skin moisturizing herbs.

Shea butter- The conditioning and protective qualities of Shea butter make it one of the best choices for dry skin.

Dry skin responds fast to the nutrient-rich moisture present in shea butter, with increased elasticity and efficient moisture retention.

The elasticity and texture of dry skin enhance with using shea butter regularly, making it a great natural dry skin care product.

It is an excellent moisturizer for sensitive skin and can be used for babies too.

Avocado mask- Creating a homemade mask of Avocado is another natural method to treat dry and flaky skin.

Experts suggest pureeing half avocado and mix it with a teaspoon of olive oil. If you prefer, you can add a tbsp of honey to it.

Apply this natural mask on your face and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off.

Your skin will feel moisturized, but you can double the hydrating effects by applying the moisturizer you use daily too.

Use an Oatmeal mask- Add a cup of oats to a warm bath that can rehydrate your dry skin naturally. Oats is a soothing product. Experts believe that oats help in retaining moisture from the bathwater.

Oatmeal can also be used as a great mask or exfoliator. To make this mask, you need to mix 2 tbsp of oats with a tablespoon of honey and some water. Experts suggest warming up this mixture and then rub it on your skin. You can use this mask to exfoliate and wash off or leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Sage- It is an antioxidant powerhouse, which means it is of great use when it comes to anti-aging, fighting free radicals. It acts as a natural astringent for oily and acne-prone skin. It is rich in calcium, and vitamin A, both of which play a major role in cell regeneration.

You can turn this into a tasty smelling toner which helps in regulating sebum production. You can use sage for your hair too. Boil the leaves and once it gets cooled down, use it as a rinse.

The best way to grow sage is from cutting an established plant, so keep this in mind before running out to purchase seeds. It is very vulnerable to mildew, so be wary of overcrowding and humidity in the planter.

Rosemary- Another one is the list of popular skin moisturizing herbs. Pretty much anything from skin moisturizer to collagen development to free-radical fighting can be found in the leaves of the rosemary plant. It is rich in minerals that safeguard skin from any kind of damage, like sun exposure. Moreover, it also helps in improving skin elasticity.

Mix rosemary oil and water. Use this combination as a natural astringent to help fight acne. Or you can try to massage this oil into your scalp to promote hair growth and treat dandruff fast. You can add rosemary oil to your cleanser to improve circulation and rejuvenate your skin.

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