methods to treat acne
Acne Skincare

Ways to Get Rid of Pimples at Home

Acne is one of the most common skin problems in the world, affecting an estimated 85% of people at some point in their lives. Conventional acne treatments can be costly and often have undesirable side effects like redness, skin irritation, and dryness. This has prompted several people to find home remedies for pimples. The internet is filled with plenty of suggestions, but do natural treatments work?  

What causes acne?

Acne starts when the skin pores get clogged with dead skin cells and oil. Every pore is connected to a sebaceous gland, which generates an oily substance known as sebum. Additional sebum can plug up pores, resulting in the growth of a bacteria known as P acne or Propionibacterium acnes. Our white blood cells attack P acnes, which in turn leads to skin inflammation and acne. Some cases of acne are more serious than others, but some of the common symptoms include blackhead, pimples, and whitehead.

There are many factors that contribute to the development of acne, including diet, genetics, hormonal balance, stress, and infections.

Home Remedies for Pimples

Some of the most popular home remedies for pimples and acne involve the use of natural herbal extracts, many of which traditional medicine practitioners have been using for years. Below, here are some of the best home remedies for black marks on the face due to pimples.

Tea tree oil- Tea tree oil is a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, which means that it might kill the P acnes, the bacteria that causes pimples and acne. The anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil mean that it can also lessen the swelling and redness of pimples. A review study in 2015 had a look at the current evidence of acne and tea tree oil. The researchers found that tea tree oil products can reduce the number of acne sores in those who have mild to moderate ones. The study suggested that tea tree oil may work as well as 5 percent benzoyl peroxide, which is a general over-the-counter acne medicine.

How to use tea tree oil

People can apply tea tree extract on their acne in gels, essential oils, and creams. If people use essential oils, make sure you dilute them in a career oil at first.

Apple cider vinegar- This is made by fermenting apple cider, or the unfiltered juice from pressed apples. Like other vinegar, it is popular for its ability to fight different kinds of viruses and bacteria. Apple cider vinegar consists of various organic acids that have been found to kill P, acnes. Succinic acid has been shown to suppress inflammation, which is caused by P, acnes, which may avoid scarring. In addition, lactic acid has been shown to enhance the appearance of acne scars. What more? Apple cider vinegar may help to dry up excess oil, one of the major causes behind acne.

How to use it

  • Mix 1-part Apple Cider Vinegar in 3 parts of water
  • After cleaning your face, apply the mixture gently on your face using a cotton ball
  • Allow it to sit for 5 to 20 seconds, wash with water and pat dry.
  • Repeat this procedure for 1 to 2 times a day, as required.

It is important to note that applying apple cider vinegar on your skin can cause skin irritation and burns, so it must always be used in small quantities and mixed with water.

treating pimples

Take Zinc Supplement- Zinc is an important nutrient that is important for hormone production, cell growth, immune function, and metabolism. It is one of the most common natural treatments for pimples and acne. Studies show that people with pimples tend to have lower levels of zinc in their blood compared to those who have clear skin. Studies have shown that taking zinc supplements orally helps to reduce acne.

In a study, 48 acne patients were given oral zinc supplements three times a day. After 8 weeks, 38 patients among 48 patients experienced an 80 to 100% reduction in acne. The right dosage of zinc for treating acne has not been found, but various studies have shown a reduction of acne by using about 30-45 mg of elemental zinc every day.

Elemental zinc refers to the amount of zinc that is present in the compound. Zinc is available in various forms and each one consists of a different quantity of elemental zinc. Zinc oxide consists of the highest amount of elemental zinc, i.e. 80%.

The proposed safe upper limit of zinc is 40 mg per day, so it is possibly better to not cross that amount unless under the guidance of a doctor. Intake of too much zinc can cause adverse effects, like stomach pain and gut irritation. It is also significant to note that applying zinc to the skin has not seen any effective results. This may be because zinc is not absorbed through the skin effectively.

Aloe Vera- Aloe vera is a natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, which means that it can reduce the appearance of acne and avoid acne breakouts. Aloe vera consists of lots of water and is a great moisturizer, so it is mainly suitable for people who have dry skin.

In a study conducted in 2014, researchers gave people who had mild to moderate acne, aloe vera gel and tretinoin cream, which is a common OTC acne remedy, to apply for 8 weeks. The participants reported a substantial improvement in both non-inflammatory and inflammatory acne compared to those who simply used tretinoin gel.

How to use aloe vera gel

Try to clean the acne sores and then apply a thin layer of aloe vera gel or cream. Or else, you can even moisturize your face with creams or gels that contain aloe vera. You will find them in health stores or online.

Honey- Applying is one of the oldest home remedies for pimples and all other skin problems. It has been used as a treatment for acne, like for thousands of years. It contains various antioxidants that help to clear the waste from the clogged pores. You must be surprised to know that doctors use honey in wound dressings due to its wound-healing and antibacterial properties.

How to use honey

Using a clean cotton pad. Take a few drops of honey on pimples and apply it on the pimples using the cotton pad. Otherwise, use honey as a body or face mask.

Make a cinnamon and honey mask

Both cinnamon and honey are excellent sources of antioxidants. Several studies have found that applying antioxidants to the skin is more effective in reducing pimples and acne than medicines like retinoids and benzoyl peroxide. There are two common acne medicines for the skin with antibacterial properties.

The antioxidants studies were Linoleic fatty acid, Vitamin B3, and sodium ascorbyl phosphate, a Vitamin C derivative. These antioxidants are not found in cinnamon or honey, but there is a chance that other antioxidants may have the same effect. Cinnamon and honey have the capability to fight bacteria and lessen inflammation, which are the two most important factors that trigger pimples and acne. While the antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamon and honey may benefit acne-prone skin, there are no studies that show that they can treat acne as well.

How to make a cinnamon and honey mask

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder to form a smooth paste
  • After cleaning your face, apply this paste all over your face and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes
  • Wash off the mask totally and pat your face dry

Apply Green tea- This is one of the simplest home remedies for pimples. Green tea is high in antioxidants. Most of us know that drinking green tea can promote good health, but how many of you know that green tea is beneficial for our health too. There are no studies that show the benefits of drinking green tea when it comes to pimples and acne but applying it directly in the skin has shown effective results. This is likely because the tannins and flavonoids present in green tea are known to combat bacteria and reduce inflammation, which are the two main causes of acne.

The major antioxidant in green tea, epigallocatechin-3 gallate has been shown to lessen sebum production, fight inflammation, and prevent the growth of P. acnes in people having acne-prone skin.

Several studies have shown that applying 2 to 3% green tea extracts on the skin significantly lessens the production of sebum and pimples.

You can purchase lotions and creams that contain green tea in it, but it is simple to make your own mixture at home.

How to remove pimples naturally and permanently with green tea

  • Steep the green tea in boiling water for about 3 to 4 minutes
  • Let it cool
  • Using a cotton pad, apply this tea on your skin or pour it inside a spray bottle to sprinkle on your face.
  • Let it dry, and then wash it off using water and pat dry
  • You can also add the remaining green tea leaves with honey and use it as a mask

Though there is no evidence that drinking green tea can fight acne, some research suggests that it may still be beneficial.

For instance, drinking green tea can lower blood sugar and insulin levels, which are factors that contribute to the development of acne.

Garlic- Several traditional medicine practitioners use garlic to treat any kind of infection and boost the ability of our body to fight infections and germs. Garlic consists of an organosulfur compound, which has natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Organosulfur compounds can boost the immune system, which in turn helps the body fight infections.

How to remove pimples overnight using garlic

To fight infections and inflammations caused by acne, people must add garlic to their diet. Some people chew the garlic cloves as it is, some rub it on a toast, whereas some mix it in a hot drink.

People can also buy garlic powders or capsules available in most of grocery stores and health stores.

honey for treating pimples

Though may online sources recommend that people apply garlic directly on the pimples, this may increase skin irritation. Garlic may burn your skin, so be careful.

Take a fish oil supplement- Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats that offer plenty of health benefits. You must get these fats from your diet, but several pieces of research have shown that most people who eat a standard Western diet do not get enough of them. Fish oils consist of mainly two types of Omega-3 fatty acids. These are docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). EPA benefits the skin in different ways, including handling oil production, maintaining enough hydration, and preventing acne.

High levels of DHA and EPA have been found to reduce inflammatory factors, which in turn may reduce the risk of acne. In a study, 45 people with acne were given Omega-3 fatty acid medicines that contain both DHA and EPA regularly. After 10 weeks, they found that acne started decreasing significantly.

There is no specific suggested daily intake of Omega-3 fatty acids, but most of the health organizations recommend healthy adults to consume a minimum of 250 to 500 mg of combined DHA and EPA regularly. Food items like sardines, salmon, walnuts, anchovies, ground flaxseeds contain Omega-3 fatty acids.

Exfoliate daily- Exfoliation is the procedure of removing the top layer of dead skin cells. It can be attained mechanically by using a scrub or brush to physically remove the cells. Also, you can remove them chemically by applying an acid that helps in dissolving them. Exfoliation has proved to improve acne by removing the dead skin cells that clog up pores. Some researches show that microdermabrasion, which is a process of exfoliation, can enhance the skin’s appearance, including some instances of acne scarring.

In a small study, 25 patients with acne received eight microdermabrasion treatments at a weekly basis. Almost 96% of the people were happy with the results and recommended the treatment to others. Yet while these results show that exfoliation may improve pimples, more research is required in this context.

There are huge varieties of exfoliation products available online and in medical stores, but you can make your own scrub at home.

How to make a scrub at home

  • Take equal parts salt or sugar and mix with coconut oil
  • Scrub your skin with this mixture and wash off
  • Exfoliate as often as desired, maybe once daily

Using these home remedies for pimples will definitely help you to get rid of pimples easily.

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