Hair care Hair Fall

What Causes Hair Loss During Pregnancy and Remedies for it?

Pregnancy brings a lot of changes in one’s body. Hair loss is one of them. Though several women experience hair growth during this time because of change in hormones, hair fall post-delivery is a common problem. During the weeks following delivery, new mothers suffer from severe hair fall as hormones adjust themselves and return to their normal stage.

Now, let us first explore the common causes behind hair fall during pregnancy:

  • Lack of enough nutrition- Poor nutrition leads to weakness in the body and hair fall. Some ladies suffer from hair fall because of the deficiency in vitamins, minerals, and iron during this phase.
  • Poor medications & health condition- Health conditions like gestational diabetes can cause severe hair loss problems. If you are taking medicines for depression or blood pressure, they can trigger hair fall.
  • Scalp infections and skin allergies- Are you noticing baldness in some areas of your scalp? The reason can be some allergy or fungal infection. In such a case, consult with your doctor to find the real cause.
  • Bad quality hair care products- You would be surprised to know that the real reason behind your hair loss could be the one kept in your bathroom shelf. The hair and skin of females become very sensitive during pregnancy. Avoid shampoos and hair conditioners that have harsh chemicals in it as that may lead to hair fall and could be even harmful to the developing fetus.

Steps to prevent and control hair loss during pregnancy:

A. Daily scalp massage: – Follow a hair care routine in which you must massage your hair twice in a week. Choose natural oils like jojoba, olive oil, coconut oil, and almond oil. What you need to do is massage your scalp thoroughly with lukewarm oil before going to sleep or two hours prior to bath. It stimulates the circulation of blood and the minerals of the oil get deep into the layers of your scalp giving whole nourishment and strength to hair follicles.

B. Eat a healthy diet: – An expectant mom should eat a diet full of proteins, vitamins, and minerals that replenishes the body with lost nutrients and boosts the condition of the skin, hair, and whole body. Drink plenty of fluids in order to flush out toxins from the body and eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in flavonoids, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

C. Home remedies: – Apart from having nutritious food, you could feed your hair directly with homemade hair packs. Apply Aloe Vera gel on your scalp and leave for nearly 20 minutes. Wash well. You could also apply a mix made of lemon juice and a beaten egg on your scalp. Keep it for 30 minutes and then wash it off. You can even use white curd in place of egg white. These natural ingredients are known for nurturing the hair follicles.

D. Treat your hair gently and avoid hair styling products: – If you are suffering from hair loss during pregnancy, avoid harsh chemicals present in styling and hair straightening items. Always comb your hair gently and do not tie it too tight. Make use of a wide-bristled comb and avoid combing your hair when it is wet as it leads too hair loss.

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