Skincare Skin Care Ideas

Ways to Use Papaya for Beauty

Papaya is known as the “angel fruit” because of its versatility and amazing properties. It is a nutritive and wholesome fruit and a good source of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are very important for keeping the body’s system in the best condition. It is not only great for digestion but also very useful for the skin when used as face packs.

With its soft butter-like texture, the sweet papaya, that is available all throughout the year is a rich source of essential antioxidants and nutrients, making it a favourite fruit among women who want to have soft and glowing skin. Here are a few ways how you can use papaya for having beautiful hair and skin.


Nourishes skin- Consisting of Papain enzyme and Vitamin A, papaya helps in removing the inactive proteins and dead skin cells, thus revitalizing your skin. Also, it helps in keeping your skin hydrated. If you want a fresh and glowing skin, use a mask made of honey and papaya. Mash half a papaya and combine it with 3 spoons of honey and form a paste. Apply the paste on your neck and face. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash off with cold water.

Lessens blemishes- Are you suffering from acne? If yes, then apply a finely grounded paste made of raw papaya on your face and neck. Leave for half an hour. This will help you get rid of the unwanted skin blemishes.

Treats cracked foot- Apart from the face, you can use mashed papaya for taking care of your foot. Apply mashed papaya on your foot to treat cracked heels.

Skin whitening- Papaya has a potent skin lightening ingredient owing to its exfoliating action and direct skin lightening effect of the enzyme papain. If you are not getting papaya, you can use skincare products that have papaya in it. There are many skincare products that have ingredients like aloe Vera, papaya, and other fruits. But, make sure you read the ingredients before buying a skincare product.

Reduces unwanted hair- Several studies show that the papain enzyme present in the peel of papaya can reduce hair growth. Not only this, it is good for repairing the aged skin too.  This reverses the skin ageing, repairs, exfoliates and hydrates skin. Few studies even proved that papaya has direct anti-ageing action too. The papain enzyme in it lessens wrinkles by moderating collagen and elastic fibres in the skin. For an instant glow before going on a date or party, you can try the face pack made of aloe Vera and papaya.

Hair Care:

Enhances hair growth- According to several studies, the nutrients present in the papaya help avoid balding. Eating the fruit at least three times in a week can reduce hair thinning.

Get rid of dandruff- Hair mask consisting of papaya can help in treating dry scalp. Remove the seeds of raw papaya and mix the fruit with yoghurt. Leave the paste on your hair for 30 minutes and then, wash.

Natural conditioner- As it is rich in vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, papaya acts as a natural conditioner, making your hair smoother and softer. Mix banana, yoghurt, coconut oil, and papaya together to form a thick paste. Apply it on damp hair. Wrap a shower cap or a towel for generating heat in your scalp. Wash with warm water.

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