how to use homemade face mask
Beauty Treatments Face

How to Make Face Masks with Natural Ingredients

Many people among us are scared to use store-bought face masks because of the harsh chemicals used in it. Some spend a huge amount of money at a local spa. If you are one who neither wants to use chemicals on your skin nor want to spend such a huge amount of money, then you will be surprised to know that the secret to healthy and glowing skin is available in your kitchen. Here are a few natural homemade face masks for skin.

Homemade Face Masks for Skin

Banana Face Mask- Why Botox when you have bananas in your kitchen? You can use this fruit as an all-natural face mask that not only moisturizes your skin but at the same time will make it soft. For making a banana face mask, you need to mash the medium-sized ripe banana into a paste. Then, apply this paste evenly to your face and neck. Leave it for 10 to 20 minutes and then wash it off using cold water. You can also make another face mask using a banana. For this, you need to add plain yogurt and honey to the smooth banana paste.

Face Mask using vinegar- Using vinegar as a skin toner has been in use since the old days. It is an effective ingredient for the skin. How to use it? First, wash your face. Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 2 cups of water. This solution will cleanse as well as tighten your skin. You can also make a homemade face mask by mixing ¼ cup of cider vinegar in ¼ cup water. Then, apply this solution gently to your face and allow it to dry. Once it is dried, wash it off.

Face Masks with milk- Here is another simple way to enjoy a fancy spa facial at your home. It is one of the easiest homemade face masks for skin. Prepare a homemade face mask by mixing ¼ cup of powdered milk and enough water to form a paste. Coat your face thoroughly with this thick paste. Let it dry completely and then, rinse using warm water. Try it. Your face will feel rejuvenated and fresh!

different homemade face mask

Use Oatmeal to Make a Face Mask- If you are looking for a quick face mask that will leave your skin feel and look better within a short period, then go for an oatmeal facial. For making an oatmeal facial you need to take ½ cup of hot water. Make sure the water is not boiling. In that, mix 1/3 cup oatmeal. Allow the oatmeal and water to settle for 2 to 3 minutes. Once done, mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt, 2 tablespoons of honey, and white of 1 egg. Apply this paste as a thin layer all over your face and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, wash it off with warm water.  While washing your face, make sure you keep a plastic or metal strainer in your sink to avoid clogging the drain.

Cocoa Dream Hydration Mask- This is one of the popular homemade face masks for skin. There are three tasty stars in this tasty, totally edible face mask. These ingredients work wonders for your face. “Avocado” is very hydrating, cocoa is a great skin-soothing antioxidant, and honey is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

To use this face mask, you must mash one-quarter of an avocado in a small bowl. Mix one tablespoon cocoa powder with honey and mash them well. Apply this face mask to the clean and dry skin and leave it for 10 minutes. Wash this off using warm water, then apply your moisturizer.

Nourishing Honey Mask- Honey is a natural antibacterial ingredient, which makes it a perfect ingredient to use it in acne-fighting masks. Nutritional yeast is a great natural ingredient for treating acne, as it is rich in Vitamin B that helps to calm the skin barrier, mainly the ones that break during the menstrual period.

For making this face mask, prepare a cup of chamomile tea with two bags and allow it to cool. In a small bowl, mix one tablespoon of raw honey or manuka, and 1 teaspoon of nutritional yeast. Add enough chamomile tea in the bowl to create a thick paste that is runny enough to spread all over the skin, but not too soggy. Apply a thin layer of this face mask on your face and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash off and pat dry. After this, make sure you apply your favorite moisturizer afterward.

Almond Face Mask- This face mask is great for your skin. Take about 4 to 5 almonds and soak them in milk the previous night. The next morning, take out the skin of the almonds and make a paste by mixing almonds and milk. Apply a thin layer of this paste at night and wash it off in the morning using water. You can use this face mask every alternate day for enjoying a radiant glow on your face.

If you want to improve your uneven skin tone and texture, then no worries. There is no need to spend a huge amount of money on facials, no need to buy beauty products to attain super smooth and healthy skin. For this, what you need are plain yogurt, honey, and turmeric powder. Similarly, like milk, yogurt is filled to the brim with lactic acid which brings a great difference to the skin by lifting dry and rough surface cells to uncover new and brighter ones.

The Breakfast Mask- This breakfast-themed face mask helps to calm and treat oily skin. The mix of soothing oatmeal and tightening egg yolks are the main ingredients in this face mask that does the magic.

For this, what you need to do is combine one egg yolk, a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of olive oil and mix all these in a half cup of oatmeal. Combine well, then apply it all over your face for about 15 to 20 minutes.  Wash it off with lukewarm water. And after everything, do not forget to moisturize your skin with your favorite moisturizer.

how to use face mask

Applying face moisturizer is important after applying any face mask as it makes the skin feel elastic and soft. Turmeric is useful for fighting pigmentation. It is a perfect ingredient for those who spend long hours under the sun.

Honey Citrus Mask- A orange and honey-based face mask is one of the best homemade face masks for skin. It is a quick fix for making dull and dry skin pretty and glowing. For this, you need to combine three tablespoons of orange juice and mix with a quarter cup of honey. Rub this mixture on your face and then leave it for about 15 minutes. Then, wash this face mask with lukewarm water, and as always, apply a moisturizer.

If you are looking for a face mask that can give you an instant glow, then a mask made of almond and egg is the right choice. If you have dry skin, this is one of the best homemade face masks for skin. To make this mask, beat an egg and combine it with powdered almond. Apply this mixture on your face as well as neck and leave it for 20 minutes. For best results, use this face mask at bedtime.

Try any of these homemade face masks and experience a beautiful change in your skin.

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