Hair care Hair Fall

Effective Home Remedies to Treat Hair Fall

Hair fall is one of the common problems many of us face today. Another thing which is common is our lack of knowledge about different ways to treat this problem. Both men and women experience hair fall. While genes play an important role, there are a lot of other factors that reduce hair growth. If you too are facing hair fall issues, then here are a few tips to control hair fall.

As per the Ayurvedic experts, nearly 50% of Indian women lose hair faster than ever. The current beauty industry has destroyed hair care. With poor-quality hair products, generic formulations, many Ayurvedic hair products that otherwise seem to be promising to have failed to provide positive results. Though natural sciences are regarded as beneficial, it has hardly shown any effect. The truth is it is a complex problem.

Described as “crowning glory”, hair is a direct expression of a person’s style and personality. Excessive hair fall can be an issue, often causing concern and affecting confidence, mainly for women. However, if diagnosed correctly, you can control hair fall with a few remedies that are effective in saving your hair.

Causes of Hair Fall

Before we get into the tips to control hair fall, let us first understand the causes of hair fall.

Nutritional shortcomings

It could be possible that your diet may be lacking essential nutrients like copper, iron, proteins, and zinc. The deficiency of Vitamin D is another cause of hair fall. To avoid this, ensure that you go out and get enough sunlight.

Hormonal Imbalance

After crossing the age of 30, women can experience hormonal imbalance which can cause hair fall. This is generally caused by excessive dihydrotestosterone conversion. Even though estrogen is the main hormone produced by women, testosterone, and other androgens like DHEA also take place in females. As females reach a specific age, they may start to convert these androgens to DHT.


One of the common reasons that cause hair fall is the thyroid. If the thyroid gland produces too much or an insufficient amount of thyroid hormone, then the cycle of hair growth may change. However, if you have a thyroid issue, you will see other symptoms along with hair loss like weight loss or gain, sensitivity to hot or cold, and fluctuations in the heart rate.

Useful Tips to Control Hair Fall

Coconut milk: It is one of the most effective tips to control hair fall. Using a hairbrush, apply coconut milk to your scalp. Cover your head with a towel and leave it like that for nearly 20 minutes. You can prepare coconut milk at home by grinding coconut and then squeezing out the milk. Remove the towel and use cold water to wash your hair. Use a mild shampoo to wash your hair. You must follow this process at least once every week.

Coconut milk is rich in fats and Vitamin E that helps in moisturizing your hair. It is also rich in potassium, which is an important ingredient required for hair growth. Coconut milk is rich in protein, minerals like potassium, and essential fats. Therefore, washing your hair with coconut milk reduces hair breakage. Coconut oil also consists of the same essential nutrients and therefore, it strengthens your hair from the root to the tip. Massaging your hair daily with this oil helps in hair loss. Coconut’s antibacterial properties protect hair from damage.

useful tips for hair loss

Aloe Vera: Another one on the list of important tips to control hair fall is aloe vera. Aloe vera is not only useful for treating pimple marks but also good for controlling hair fall. A stalk or a leaf of the plant. Using Aloe Vera for treating hair growth is a traditional way which is being used for ages.

For this, you must extract the pulp content from the stalk or leaf of the plant and apply it to your hair. Before applying this gel, make sure you have washed your hair thoroughly.

Massage the Aloe Vera gel onto the scalp in a circular motion. Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash it off using cold water. Repeat it three times a week. Aloe Vera balances the pH levels of the hair and scalp. It goes deep inside the hair, thereby helping in hair growth.

An important thing to be careful about is the yellow-colored sap present in the Aloe Vera plant. It contains toxins, which can cause irritation in the skin to those who are latex intolerant.  You can boil the plant before taking out the pulp.

Neem: If you are looking for tips to control hair fall immediately, then neem is the right choice. You will require 10 to 12 dry neem leaves and a vessel of water. Boil the water with neem leaves. Allow the mixture to cool. Wash your hair with this mixture. You can also use this mixture in the form of the last rinse after you shampoo your hair. Ideally, use this mixture once every week. Its antibacterial properties will help you to get rid of dandruff within a short span of time. It also ensures that your scalp is healthy, and it is also beneficial for promoting hair growth.

Coconut oil: Now, this is one of the common ingredients you will find in most of the tips to control hair fall. Coconut oil consists of fatty acids that enter the hair shaft and reduces the loss of protein from your hair. You can use coconut oil either before or after washing your hair based on the type of hair.

If your hair is oily, you can apply oil and leave it overnight for a few hours before washing it. Massage coconut oil on your scalp and hair. If your hair is dry, you can also utilize it as a leave-in treatment. There needs to be enough research on coconut oil as a hair growth promoter, but it has been shown to boost the health of hair and has been used for centuries.

Fish oil: Consuming Omega fatty acids can help to enhance your hair from inside, as they are filled with proteins and nutrients. Taking an Omega supplement along with essential antioxidants helps to boost hair density. It also decreases hair loss. Omega fatty acids help your cells to work in a correct manner and can enhance immunity, which in turn leads to a better health condition.

Onion juice: If you are fine with the smell of onion juice, you may find that the uses are worth it. Studies have proved that onion juice is best for treating patchy alopecia areata by boosting hair growth. Onion juice also improves blood circulation. For applying onion juice to your hair, blend a few onions and squeeze their juice. Apply this juice to your scalp and leave it for a few minutes. Wash with shampoo.

Lemon: If you want to know about the tips to control hair fall, then you cannot ignore lemon juice. Mixing lemon juice with oil enhances the quality of hair and growth. Applying lemon oil can help you to maintain a healthy scalp and support hair growth. Apply fresh lemon juice on the hair, scalp, and leave it for 15 minutes before applying shampoo. You can make use of lemon oil mixed with carrier oil and use it as a hair mask.

If you want to improve hair growth and want to treat hair fall, then stay consistent. Keep in mind that the tips to control fall hair fall mentioned above will take some time to show effective results. Be creative with these home remedies and be ready to see positive results. It is important that you manage some time every day to focus on nourishing your hair to get the beautiful and healthy hair you want.

treat hair fall with coconut oil

By following these above-mentioned tips to control hair fall you will definitely get positive results. The best part about these tips to control hair fall is that you don’t have to use any chemical or expensive products. All the ingredients are easily available in the kitchen.

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